
Catching up to the memories ♥

I was doing the usual blog hop when I stumbled upon this post by Lily. She had attended a C(OM)MUNITY yoga class that Anita was teaching, and Anita had the class start a reverse bucket list as an exercise of gratitude. Now this was the first time I've heard of it, and I was intrigued. As I continued to read Lily's, I was left inspired.

Looking back at my bucket list I had written three years prior, I'm glad I'm able to cross some of those things off the list. (Also added many more since then!) However, I realized.. rarely do I take the time to look back at the things in my life that make me smile, that I'm proud of overcoming.. or the experiences and lessons that have made me who I am today. We're quick to write-off things that we've done in the past, and only focus on what we want in our future. Why not focus on the wonderful things that you already have, and reflect with a spirit of gratitude? By no means is this list meant to be boastful or create a negative intent, but one I hope will inspire you to write your own, and remind yourself of how awesome you already are. Here are 30 things I came up with:

1. Conquered my fear of dogs 
2. Watched the sunrise in my little parisian balcony in France
3. Lived and travelled with friends in S.E Asia for a month
4. Got my first tattoo in my motherland
5. Fundraised to build a Womens' Vocational Centre in India
6. Put on my first fashion bazaar with such supportive and awesome friends
7. Experienced Disneyland for the first time as an adult
8. Saw the Grand Canyon and Colorado River by heli 
9. Being a Godma to the cutest girl 
10. Getting lost in Paris with my cousin
11. Snorkeling and swimming in the beaches of Hawaii
12. Meeting a guy with the same tattoo on the same arm during a fashion market in London
13. Experiencing the full-blown, powerful love of my Creator  
14. Scootered through the empty beachside roads of Kenting, Taiwan
15. Being interviewed and published in the community newspaper
16. Putting together a coffee table book of my favorite village portraits
17. Walking tour at Alcatraz and being super creeped out 
18. Being able to worship with the church family at Hillsong London and Paris
19. Went on a missions trip to India and meeting such beautiful human beings
20. Being my cousin's bridesmaid  
21. Meeting my sponsor kids for the first time
22. Having hands down, the best satay ever in Brunei
23. Sharing my testimony 
24. Starting a blog 
25. Sari shopping in Punjab, India 
26. Cali to Vancouver Road trip with my cousins and cousin-in-law
27. Spending hours in a bookstore
28. Teaching someone photography 
29. Learning to change a tire 
30. Building lifelong friendships with strangers while traveling

Now it's your turn. What are some of the things on your reverse bucket list? (Remember, nothing is insignificant!) Time to celebrate your past, and rock that future.



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