With December being one of the busiest months of the year, I've doubled with my to-do lists. But what I've lacked to do is to really enjoy this holiday season. I think we all ought to count our blessings more and remind ourselves of what's really important. With that being said, check out the cute to-do list picture I've posted above!
Time sure flew by pretty quickly this year. Has it really been a year?! Fashion school has been a great learning experience, (It is not all play and no work like some of you guys think it is!!) but I'm kind of glad it's almost done. Although at the same time.. I'm a little nervous as to what's next for me. I'm graduating in 2 weeks. Two. Weeks. But, I can say I have the utmost faith in His plan for me, so I'm reassured :)

Now onto the blog challenges..
Day 7 - Four turn offs. Ties in to dating. So here goes.
1. Guys who are disrespectful. Doesn't matter to who, but as long as you're rude and a douche, you're not worth even talking to.
2. I don't like it when guys dress from head to toe in Ed Hardy.. or Smet or Christian Audigier. Oh and that stupid Gucci murse or pouch. That does not make you look any more hardcore. Or cool. You just look douchy. Please get a change of wardrobe asap.
3. Guys who swear. Major turn off.
4. Smokers. Another big turn off.
Day 22 of the Thanksgiving Challenge.
I'm thankful for..
1. How well Dream Night went. And the people who came out to support!
2. The sound of rain. Just something so calming about it.
3. Days I get to spend with my cousins. I haven't seen one of them since the summer! And we live in the same city.. how sad is that.
4. My dad leaving me little giftcards every so often.
5. Reliable group members. Love ya girlies!
6. Being 2 weeks away from graduation!!
7. My aunt offering me a trip to Disneyland with her and our family.
8. My grandma visiting me up in March. I miss her!
9. Friends that live in other parts of the world. I get to crash with them whenever I'm in their city! And I get to experience different cultures.. local style.
10. Secret Santas :) and the season of giving.
You're not being selfish! :D Enjoy this time that you have all to yourself!
I totally agree with all your turn-offs. Well, for me, it would be applied to girls. It surprisingly doesn't need much changing. :P
Example: I'd just need to write "girls" instead of "guys." :P
Are you sure you need to change that ;) HAHAHA jk <3
ICE CREAM!! I bought ingredients to make brownies the other day and now I'm realizing it would be MUCH yummier if I add ICE CREAM to it!!
HAha Aaron.... Actually, I find it a turnoff for both boys and girls to do any of those things too.
thanks for all your lovely comments tessa! the h&m faux fur collar has been out for at least 2 months now, i got really lucky when i found one lying around in the accessories section. i know there's a similar fur infinity scarf that's the same faux fur so look for that! it's only $15 and i think it'd look cute on you :)
and yes, i love surprises during shoots too, it makes life interesting and it's always fun! oh nosy aunts, i think everyone has at least ONE in their family, so i know the feeling. you are still young and i say take all the time you want to live YOUR life because you only live once right? and your dad is so sweet, i love that he leaves you giftcards! my mom gives me random gc's for timmy's hahaha because i go there almost everyday for croissant and tea. all the best to you with school, 2 weeks goes by fast! xo
Mmmmm how about apple pie + ice-cream? :D
Oh okay I shall definitely check that out! :) Thanks for the heads up!!
For sure! Still have that photowalk on raincheck :P After my finals we shall go! That's what my dad does!! It's usually timmy's giftcards hahaha. And thanks for your well wishes <3
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