
Gratitude Challenge Day 9 & 10 ♥

20 things to be thankful for! Here goes:

1. That I'm falling ill, but not too ill so I'm able to still get things done.
2. For friends who are down if I ever need help, and make sure I'm okay. Even at 4 in the morning :) (Yes you Adrian!)
3. Weddings. Weddings make me happy.
4. Empowering women like Oprah. Wished her talk show didn't have to end!
5. My hair straightener! Lol. Without it I don't think my hair would look half as good.
6. For God's presence when I feel alone. I wouldn't have been able to be around most situations if weren't for that.
7. The possibility of a future. Kevin and Aaron have talked about this before, but I felt that it's something each and every one of us should be thankful for.
8. My laptop! It helps make things so much more efficient.
9. The overwhelming response of people who are so down to help for the Benefit Concert I want to do :)
10. People with good manners and etiquette, who make taking transit or being in public enjoyable.
11. Ex-boyfriends. For the love, the good times, and for helping me grow and learn from our past relationships.
12. Days when I don't have to dress up, or use makeup. Scrub it out!
13. Makeup. It enhances my features! Lol.
14. MSN. I have awesome conversations on here haha.
15. Honesty.
16. Opportunities that allow me to give back to society, or help out any way I can to those in need.
17. For struggles, pain, and hardships. It has definitely allowed me to grow as a person, into someone stronger, and has made me to who I am today.
18. Different cultures, traditions and races. Growing up in a multi-racial family, I definitely have appreciation for this.
19. Praise & Worship.
20. Online shopping! Too awesome haha.


amerc said...


Selena said...

I posted about the concept of a future last week too haha!

I see most of us haven't posted since before the wedding weekend lol

amileinherheels said...


Haha I know eh.. time to get back at it :)


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