Since L.A was our meeting point, we began the real roadtrip after that. Thank God for my cousin-in-law. He did all the driving and it exhausted the poor guy. The girls definitely had the easy task of breezing through the journey. We took a little break, and hung out in the middle of nowhere. It was literally in the middle of nowhere. I can't imagine being here at night.. probably would've freaked myself out and thought of some horror movie where someone gets kidnapped or something. Yup, I watch way too much Criminal Minds. Our pit-stop most definitely turned into a photo op. So to be honest, I wasn't too wowed by Vegas. Casinos, clubs and buffets? Not exactly my thing. Oh but shopping was pretty awesome. I ended up with a little YSL, and snagged some late night outlet buys. More on that later!

Love all the images! I hope you have a fun and safe trip!
Great photos!! You know I've never been to Vegas in my adult life! Isn't that crazy? Last time I was there, I was with my family and I was 13 yrs old!! So obviously I didn't really experience Vegas. Hoping to make a visit soon though.
I am in love with your pictures. The sky is exceptionally beautiful!
Vegas is so beauty. I hope to come there one day. Please follow back. :)
I love your pictures. They look like they jumped out from
It's cool to travel around the States. I've only been to NYC.
Read your previous post too. Though I dunno what's making you sad, I hope the rainbow would appear in your life again.
your pictures are stunning, especially those colours!
And yes, I love absolutely everything about Singapore and the rest of SE asa...I mean, how could you not? Sunny weather, amazing food, and just one short flight away from the world's best tropical beaches? doesn't quite compare to Canada that's for sure haha
Love your impromptu photo op! ;) Vegas is fun but i guess that's why most people just go for 2 or 3 days... that's all you need. haha!
Thanks girl! I sure did :)
Thanks!! :) It's my first time there actually!! It's good to go at least once to check it out. But when you go the next time around, go to the Grand Canyon. It's just magnificent.
Thanks babe :) I always love yours!
It is! You should definitely go! :)
Aww thanks babe. That is so nice of you to say because I love weheartit! And thanks :) You should comeee visit and drop by Vancouver!!!
Thanks girl :) Haha definitely!! I miss Asia A TON. Living vicariously through your blog at the moment!
It was fun!! Haha so true. 2-3 days is more than enough for me! Anything more than that.. I'll probably start to get home sick haha
Tessa, I've been going through a bunch of your posts & I must say I'm in love with your photography!!! You capture each scene so well! Makes me want to go on road trips :)
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