I love moments in life where the little things can turn into something so much more adventurous. Today was one of those days. an early morning wake-up call, and the hike at Lynn Valley, I couldn't ask for a better day. The spectacular views, the cool weather, and everything nature has to offer. Not to mention Starbucks, the so-called picnic + our cosmo magazines. I'm kind of disappointed I didn't bring even my point & shoot, but it's all good. Days like these are what make a lifetime of memories. This is just the beginning of summer, so I'm pretty excited for what these next few months will hold. Camping, fam camp, Harrison's, bonfires + my babygirl is finally coming to Vancouver !! (after much persuasion and hour long talks eh babe?) I think this is the first summer that I'll actually be in Vancouver throughout. Sometimes home is where it's at, right?
I thought this was cute, so I shall end my post with it.

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